In the middle of the Black Forest lies Freudenstadt, the forest’s capital. With its 23,500 inhabitants, the town offers a unique combination of nature and urban living. There are more than 200 shops around Germany's largest market square, as well as the Reichsstraße and the newly developed Boulevard 28. The city offers a multitude of shopping opportunities. You can also find a wealth of culture, including concerts, musicals, and theatre performances, unique to the region for both the variety and standard. If you prefer peace and quiet in nature, take a short walk to the unspoilt forests on the edge of the national park. Be it hiking, mountain biking, or winter sports - sports lovers will find a perfectly curated network of trails.
City inside, wilderness outside!
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The market square in Freudenstadt is the largest enclosed market square in Germany and, with its 50 water fountains, is a meeting place for everyone, young and old.
With two impressive towers, the town church was built in 1601. The various features are striking; in addition to Renaissance arches, one finds medieval Gothic windows and medieval gargoyles.
The town's nearest mountain, Kienberg, is a great hiking spot. On it you will find Germany's highest rose path with more than 1,000 wild roses and historic species of shrub rose.
Overnight in Freudenstadt
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